Thursday, November 2, 2017

Intimacy: Sacred and Pure

     I am now a little more than half way done with this semester. I’ve enjoyed all the topics we have discussed in my family class. Some of the topics have been harder than others to write about. This week is particularly hard for me because I’m not quite sure how to go about it. Over the last few weeks I’ve talked about the joy of dating and sacredness of marriage. I was able to share my views on a happy fulfilling marriage looks like to me with ease because it is something I care about and can’t wait for.
    This week’s topic however, is uncomfortable because it is about marital intimacy. “The talk” is the one subject we as humans tend to shy away from. Why is this? As parents it can be hard to have that talk with your children. It does not get easier as it goes.
   There are different ways to approach this topic with your kids. I personally haven’t had “the talk” with my parents straight out. My father has asked my mom why she hasn’t given me the talk, this was when I was eighteen. Mom explained to dad that I wasn’t oblivious, and that if, and when she does have questions she will ask me. Well I have never asked her, yet.
   One way to explain intimacy is by telling your child that there are different ways of being intimate with someone. One way to be intimate is by talking to each other. Communication is key to any relationship. Through communication a couple will learn more about each other and what they are comfortable with when it comes to being physically intimate. Sometimes talking to each other is the best form of intimacy. When a couple talks to each other they are able to talk about anything, if not now then over time. The more conversations had the less confusion there is about who is comfortable with what. Marital intimacy is a certain kind of being intimate and should only be with the one you are married to. Why is this important? We as members of the church view our bodies as sacred gifts from God, a gift to be treasured.
   Parents love their children. They love what they can and will become. It is crucial the child understands their worth, to their parents, and to others who love them. One should also try to understand just because they are married does not make everything that goes on behind closed doors ok. Spouses should not demean each other’s dignity, those who do will not stand spotless before God. The intimacy shared between husband and wife is sacred and can be spiritual as well.
   Children are a blessing given to us by the Lord. How those children come into the world is equally important as the family they come into. Parents, the most important job you will have in this life besides bringing children into the world, is teaching your children well. It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children what they need to know for life before the world teaches them. The world will teach kids what is acceptable in the world’s eyes. It is the duty of parents to teach first and let the children learn from example.

   Children learn best when taught by parents. They learn that marriage and all that entitles is a sacred and pure act. The experiences a married couple go through should only be between husband and wife. Parents, treasure your children. Children, value your parents. They will be your best teachers. They love you beyond words. They will do anything and everything for you. When it is time to have “the talk” listen. It is better to be embarrassed by your parents than by the world and society.

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