Friday, October 6, 2017

Family: Culture and tradition

   When we think of the word culture we think of a specific country and the practices of that country. What is culture? Culture is defined as the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular ethnic, or social group. Since the beginning of time human beings have had a need to belong. We want to belong. The whole world is made of people of different ethnicities, values, and beliefs. These factors make up who we are. However, no one culture, and people are the same, neither is one culture or people right above others. People are shaped by the experiences they face and what is around them. This is especially true for us as Americans. America was shaped by Britain.
  In early history England was the mighty seat of power for many countries. These countries adopted British behaviors and values, while maintaining a sense of their own identity. Over time countries gained a sense of independence. They started seeing their culture as the best and only way to do things. This is not true. One should take into account just because one solution worked for one country does not mean it will work for another. The ability for countries to face challenges their own way is also part of the identity and culture of a country. We all have agency. We all have the power to choose for ourselves what we will do, countries are no different. It is not our place, or right to impose specific ways of thinking, values, and beliefs on a country. When we do this we are taking a country’s identity away, and ultimately its culture. Diversity makes this world an interesting place to live. No one country is right or wrong, but each has their own rights as a country. Different cultures makeup the world.

  This idea of different cultures can also be applied to the family. Each family has their own set of behaviors, beliefs, and values. In class this week I learned the meaning and difference between tradition and ritual. A ritual is something that is done on a day to day basis, or at a specific time of year. My personal examples of rituals include mom’s macaroni and cheese at Christmas, and in what order my family arrives for Christmas. Tradition is something that is handed down from one generation to another. Popular examples of tradition include beliefs, stories and legends, and customs. Traditions can also apply to the family because without stories being told or customs to hand down who will keep them alive from generation to generation? We also discussed the immigration of Latino families and the costs and effects it has on them. According to the Pew research center six million undocumented Latinos live in the United States. 1.7 million Of them were under eighteen. The center wanted an in-depth look into the effects coming to the U.S. has on families, to learn more please read this article.

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